Your Rights
Trans rights are human rights
This document explains the rights of transgender people in Aotearoa New Zealand.

People First - Supported Decision making - How I make my decisions form
This is a form for you to fill out to say: -who you want to support you -what sort of support you need.

Easy Read consent form for research projects
An Easy Read consent form to be used with research projects.

Making complaints to the United Nations Disability Committee
If something bad happens to you because you have a disability you might be able to make a complaint to the UN

A new agreement on the Convention on the Rights of the Child
New Zealand and other countries have agreed to follow the United Nations' rules about what rights children have.

Guide to Supported Decision Making
This guide tells you what Supported Decision Making is and how someone can support you in making choices.

Rainbow Easy Read: Your rights as a rainbow person
This is an Easy Read guide about your rights as a rainbow person.

Enabling Good Lives: Vision and Principles
Enabling Good Lives is about having choice and control in your life, and the support you want and need.

Removing barriers: A guide about reasonable accommodation for disabled people
This is about reasonable accommodation which means making changes so disabled people can do more things.

United Nations: International agreement on the rights of disabled people EasyRead version
An Easy Read summary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities / UNCRPD.

How to make a complaint and give feedback about your disability support services
This is about telling someone about your disability support services like: - making a complaint - saying what you think.

About the Telecommunications Dispute Resolution service
This is about The TDR service who can assist you in resolving complaints with your phone and internet provider.

More documents will be added over time. If you have anything you're interested in, please contact us.
You can find out more about Easy Read on the Make it Easy website.