Disability Information and Advice Service
At People First NZ we make sure people with learning disability, their family and support people have all of the information they need about disability rights, services and advocacy groups across Aotearoa New Zealand
Getting the information and advice you need

People First NZ member reads on his laptop before a meeting.
At People First NZ we provide a free information and advice service.
We give advice about:
- disability support services
- how to make decisions about life, work and doing the things you want to do.
We can give you information about your rights and how to speak up about:
- living how and where you want
- doing what you want when you want
- getting a job
- anything else you want to know.
This service is free and available to anyone.
Find out more
The information and advice we give is based on making the rights in the United Nations Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) a reality for people with learning disability.
You can find more information at the following links:
- Easy Read version of the UNCRPD - PDF, 2.1 MB
- All of the latest Easy Read Resources
- Easy Read resources about your rights
- Learn with Us courses for people with learning disability
- How to become a People First NZ member.
Contact us
For free advice and information:
- call us on: 0800 20 60 70
- email us at: [email protected]
- see our Contact us page for other ways to get in touch